About Me

Hi, welcome to my blog. I am glad you have stopped by. Feel free to wander around and read my posts. I hope you find something interesting and fun. 

I absolutely love, love, love reading to my granddaughters. I'm not sure who enjoys it more.

The girls enjoy reading their favorites and I do too but something new once in a while is quite refreshing. We are on the constant look out for interesting tales to share with one another.

It's my hope that story time will give them a life long love for reading and learning. It is also my hope to share our favorite books with you so that you can find the perfect book or books to read with your little darlings. 

I would also be delighted if you would share your favorite books with us. If you are interested in sharing please read the blogger guest page. I look forward to hearing from you.

In the mean time, you may like to know more about the person you are thinking about following, so here it is. 

I am Darlene and I live in southern Ontario with my wonderful family. Our home is my sanctuary - my center and I am so very grateful to have it.

I work full-time as a Human Resource Manager. I love my job and look forward to going into work each day. I have a great group of coworkers who are so silly and we have been known to laugh 'til it hurts. (I wonder how the men folk at work would feel about me describing them as silly.) But seriously, we are all very dedicated employees that work well together.

As HR Manager, I get to use a variety of skills to accomplish a wide range of tasks. My role in the company allows me to help people, research, continually learn, be creative and write. 

I am more than just a HR Manager. I am an artist who loves to create and appreciates the skills and efforts of other artists. The need to create is in my blood, passed down from my mother and then to my daughters and granddaughters.

I also consider myself a writer. I kept a daily journal through out my teens and early twenties. Since then I researched and created a 2 Human Resource Manuals, 2 Health and Safety Manuals, an Accounting Manual, a few short stories (for my entertainment only) and a couple of blogs under another name.

My most rewarding role in this life is being the mother of three wonderful, beautiful, intelligent, sweet girls and grandmother to three adorable, smart, happy girls. I am extremely fortunate to have good relationships with my daughters and my grand-babies. I am blessed. I get hugs and kisses every day.

When I am not working or spending time with my hubby and girls, I am creating or hunting for treasures. (Of course house work, laundry, yard work . . . gets squeezed in there somewhere.)

Check out my pins on Pinterest and the items for resale on Etsy.

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