Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Perfect Pony


Author: Gaby Goldsack
Illustrator: Michelle White

Publisher: Parragon Book Service Ltd
Pages: 24
Ages: 4 - 8


My four year old granddaughters are fascinated with horses. Two of their favourite movies are Spirit and Black Beauty. I don't know how many toy horses they have. So when Faith saw this book she snatched it up and asked if we could take it home.

This story is about a pony named Pepper and his owner Lucy. 

Pepper was not the "most handsome, the smartest, or even the fastest pony, but Pepper did not mind" because "he knew he was the luckiest pony on the farm because Lucy - the sweetest, kindest, most loving little girl that a pony could ever wish to meet - owned him."

The other children laughed at Pepper but Lucy told Pepper that the children were jealous because he was the best Pony on the whole farm.

When Lucy tells Pepper that they are going to enter a horse show. Pepper feels bad. He is afraid to let Lucy down because he thinks all the other ponies are better than him.

Pepper sneaks out in the middle of the night to practice. The other ponies wake and laugh at him.

That night Pepper dreams about the beautiful Great White Horse wearing a silver charm. 

The Horse shows the pony images of Pepper and Lucy together and says, "it doesn't matter what happens tomorrow. You are brave, loyal, and kind. You are the perfect pony for Lucy. Just be yourself tomorrow and everything will be all right!"

Lucy and Pepper win a few ribbons. At the end of the show, Pepper wins the blue ribbon and Lucy receives the Lucky Charm Award for best pony in the show. 

Pepper is surprised. Lucy's necklace looked exactly like the won the Great White Horse wore!


This is a beautiful story about a little girl who loves her pony so much that she doesn't see any flaws in him. 

And about a pony who learns to accept himself as he is and in doing so accomplishes things he never thought possible.I find the illustrations simple, cute and vibrant.

Please feel free to leave your comments. I would love to hear from you. 

What did you think of this book?

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